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I'm kind of simplistic it really doesn't take too much to like please me but I like them in the cooks for me I like somebody that was a spend time with me cuddle with me with me on the couch and you know do you do something nice every once in a while
Aw, Frenzy, you is just so cute listening to you. I wanna cuddle and be cooked for and just spend time. Lovey lovey. I wish I was that simple, but I ain't.
I'm very affectionate and especially like if I sit in the car like all I'll like hold your hand or if we're walking tomorrow I will try to put like my hand in your back pocket let everybody know that I'm claiming you
Who is the most simple and really I've got a down-to-earth you know I mean no zombies Gaza Strip and get a Sterricker a bloody celebrity awesome boy or somebody else like that or something similar design Godsmack down-to-earth and similar to me