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OK so this is kind of a basic topic but like why does candy corn exist like I like I'm actually curious like for people who like candy corn what is the appeal cause to me it just taste like you're eating sugary wax or like a yeah sugary wax I'm trying to compare it to something and I'm like trying to like see why I will be good but it's like to me it's just disgusting please let me know
This post I don't know I like it a lot because I think that every time I get some fucking candy corn it's like wax coated sugar and it taste like nothing invented probably in the 30s or something
Candy corn is cold to me. I don't like the candy myself, but if you take all the candy corn and like put it like in a circle and like stack them up together it will make a corn.
Yeah I like how candy corn looks it's just I don't like how it tastes just it feels in edible it feels like it's a decoration and it's not really candy and I don't eat candy only like jolly ranchers but yeah