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So, to me, I believe the attitude here was far better. I mean, you had way more creative stuff, you had way better stories. You had actual long-term booking that made you want to see what's going to happen next. What's going to happen next? Like a story. You want to see what's going to happen next. what's going to happen next.
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As to now, you don't always have that much. Okay, you've had that with the bloodline, which that's only because of Sammy, Jimmy, Jay, and if you want to throw one solo, maybe Kevin because he was a part of that. Even when Orin and Riddle was in there at one point in the mix. Now.
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As I was going to say now, I'm sorry it's the bloodline is running its course. My big problem is is not taking the titles off of Roman. One thing in the attitude era, people were like, titles used to change a little more often. Yes, it was one to like anything can happen because you are in competition. You want to make people watch. But at the same time to me, it made it better because it made it unpredictable and made it like, like, man, I got to see what's going to happen. You don't get that anymore.
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I don't know. I think if they were to continue some long term storytelling, make the mid-card matches feel, you know, watchable, but also add something in it. You know one thing too at the attitude era. I love great matches. I'm a big person on great matches back and forth it's count out, I mean not count out so.
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I didn't mean to say cows, I meant to say, sorry, my neighbor's on. I meant to say, near falls, you know, it was great. I mean those are great. Now, they do it a little bit too much without adding some type of creativity in there. You know what I mean?
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Now I will say the Vince McMahon Triple H thing, Triple H has made it better, but you can tell that Vince is wanting it more now and that he's making it terrible. I don't know, it's just sad to me that it's that hard for him to be creative and book a watchable program like they used to. More it's because I think Vince is back in his old days of enjoying garbage. That's what it is.
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Um, babe, you enjoyed and thought it was great, great, but me, I thought it was garbage. This year, Night 1 was way better than both nights last year. However, Night 2 this year was garbage. Um, that's just my view. ways at my team.
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