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So I just watched Creed like maybe a couple days ago or maybe one week ago or not but when I went to the cinema because I watch telly it was basically completely empty other than like two other people I was wondering do you guys prefer like a full cinema experience or do you prefer like when the cinema is empty
I don't know why would someone prefer empty cinema? They can literally watch films in the television at home instead of calling to empty cinema. should be
Well, I wouldn't want to be the only one in the cinema. That's quite scary, but not a lot of people basically No one's sitting right next to me in front of me behind me is perfect.
For me it depends more time at for empty but for big big movies like on my watch endgame in a pack the cinema with Spider-Man pack that cinema and I think the symbol for those movies make sense
I don't mind an empty theater sometimes you know sometimes I just wanna enjoy the movie but like like a midnight premiere for like an avengers movie I want a champ pack and I want everyone freaking out
Lele I've been going to movie theaters that are empty and I'm a go my God why is it so empty like it feels like this movie's not even popping but then once I entered the movie theater that was full of people I was like NAH and I never wanna go into a full movie theater again so empty