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Best way to stop smoking I stop fucking smoking it's not a fucking heart this is fucking throw away your fucking cigarettes your fucking vape or whatever the fuck you're smoking and stop being a bunch of fucking pussies
Bro, it's not that easy for everyone. Some people have like super addictive personalities and other people don't have addictive personalities at all. You're probably one of those people like, Stop being so hard on everyone, geez.
Other than like feeling my head couldn't breathe basically like if I feel like I wanted to grab a cigarette out like meditate or like choose some gum or find some dissnack on so I didn't grab a cigarette when I was just
To stop yourself a smoke and I just thought that shit away bro you don't need a shit bro I'm Tyrone I fuck your grandmother long dick style if you don't fucking stop that fucking cigarette smoking a nicotine vape that should go kill you bro
I don't think like quitting cold turkey is ever the best way but I would like stop slowly Maybe like nicotine patches or nicotine gum um, yeah, I wouldn't vape because, yeah.