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This is another thing that always comes and goes in the media, but I wanted to discuss climate change and Where it's headed because the I don't know if y'all can tell but the weather these days is Yeah Hot one second cold the next Insects plants. They don't know what to do and then it always brings me back to Bill Gates um wanting to do something to the Sun or something or replicate the Sun? I don't I don't know, let's talk about it.
Britney, you want to open up this candleworms with me because oh my gosh. I got so much to say. And the fact that people still think that climate change is a hoax is what? What?
You know I gotta keep them coming when I think of them, but yeah I definitely agree with you. I think that they are also planning. They could be you know what they look like they could be working on stuff for us. They could really be just, you know, planning their escape route. You never know. But yeah.
Yeah, and definitely us being more self-sustaining and having the knowledge of what we should already know as far as simply taking care of ourselves and, you know, having our own food and all that. Yeah. Thank you for sharing. replies.
I don't believe the climate change is a hoax but I also believe that it is unavoidable it isn't I'm sure that we are perpetuating it but we are not the cause of it is going to happen anyway
Because like if you think about like the Ice Age you know just the Ice Age happening that was a climate change and then the ice age going away that was also a climate change
No human intervention at all. So just because this earth has humans doesn't necessarily mean that this earth has to be habitable for humans all of the time.
We're fucking up earth very bad. I've seen this documentary where fucking the ice, the birds are fucking melting is like fucking crazy. They're melting fast as fuck because of us. We're fucking up this planet so bad. It's gay.
I mean there's so much scientific proof you can just look that shit up and right now. Okay, there's so many studies that have been done. It's insane that people believe it's fake, that it doesn't exist. It's crazy.
OK I just fucking stop with this climate change bullshit I don't give a fuck and I get like honestly negative unless you're a fucking weatherman like why the fuck are you trying to have conspiracies about fucking climate change I don't see you get off of my Nager I don't give a fuck
OK first of all I said climate change who gives a fuck about it there was nowhere I said that it's fake I said who gives a fuck about it like I don't care about it I never once said it was fake I said bro you're just rude
Hmm, you know what the question would really be like, when are you, the weather's changed, like when are you referring from? Like, because if you do look at it and do your research, like everybody says they do online, and it hasn't changed too much.
Nobody loves nature more than me. Alright. I will, I, I just hiked nude through the woods by my house once a week. However, the thrill money is something that, you know, while the world is about to end, forget about it.
But I guess I wouldn't you know you you want to look to answers from somebody like that retard Greta Greta chick like, you know, because she knows what she's talking about.