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Ash Lopez 466d
Ash Lopez
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Carne Asada 466d
Carne Asada
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John Sina 466d
John Sina
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James Cartmell
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Sam 466d
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Frenc Fry 466d
Frenc Fry
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Nessa Lipscomb
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Tris 466d
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Alright, so we're back in school and it's still boring so... Got a new question for y'all. Out of all the characters in fiction who are super powered, whose powers would you want to take? What I mean powers, I mean everything that they have in their arsenal. It could be tech, all that type of shit if you wanted to choose Iron Man. You take their tech speed IQ strength actual powers All of it Who's is it what you want to take? Personally, I would take on those voodoo code because you know that dude's got some he's fucking crazy strong And he's got all these crazy ass spells and shit that he can use so So personally, I choose him, but who would y'all choose?
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personally probably the flash because he could do a lot more than just run fast so you know he can travel through time shit like that so you know that'd be fucking dope
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OK I'm not going to lie but like I really want to come porches on Boracay and his assistant at the same time in his IQ if you don't know who that is he is one of the head captains in the society of bleach
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Hi, gimme Batman. Psh, what a guy. Billionaire. And he's a real bad man.
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I'm gonna go for I'm gonna give Harry Potter just the basic English person answer
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Just because I wanna like a massive silver door I'm gonna say I silver surfer so yeah
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Winston from overwatch because he's like a really huge like gorilla monkey guy and he's really jumping around type shit
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Alastigirl, like what?
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I'm not even gonna lie I don't even think it counts as a power but sounds he's cooking skills fuck sounds he can cook any time that me and cook something like a feast and I was on screen I was jealous because he could take it
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