See, my, umm, PCOS, I have hair under the chin, that shit is just wild, I have to shave and shit every day So it just sucks about when you have like PCOS, you have like different like irregular cycles Mood swings and all that type of shit like that, like ugh, why do I have to suffer from this shit? But ay, I try to spread the awareness or whatever about it Like cause there is some goods about it But mostly it's negative But I rather just share like the happy things About it like just spreading awareness Because you're not If you have PCOS you're not alone In this at all because 10 million What is it like 5 million 10 million women around the world that have this shit But some of it is like Don't want to talk about it because they're ashamed of it But it's nothing to be ashamed of Of having PCOS because I'm in that struggle Along with you know the women that have it so don't be ashamed of you have it you have it let's talk about it