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Jay Dee β€’ 403d
Jay Dee
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You know sometimes I do sometimes think people put face and crystals rocks boards books and they put their face and all these random things that have no purpose in a meaning for example of crystal or rock likely crystal rock there's nothing for you but he blows my mind has so many women and even men start putting their face in a crystal That to me sounds more absurd than putting your face on a creator the one they gave us these crystals the one they gave us life the one that gave gave us this opportunity to be on an app to discuss if the existence of God Israel gave us a choice and then some of us don't understand that we are given a choice to accept God or reject reject God I've chose to except God Why can't y'all see the same thing that I see but I understand I get it it's not easy doesn't happen overnight but I strongly suggest y'all stop putting your faith in rocks is there and put your faith in God and have a relationship with God stop worrying about what all these other Christians do these hypocrite Christians reciprocate people that that or are using gods name it in a way that doesn't make sense and it doesn't it doesn't rich anybody doesn't give anything once you start letting go of the earthly things of the world that going to clubs going out of party going out to drinking another step means nothing it's meaningless meaningless Once you put God first everything starts to have a meaning everything starts to have a purpose you'll need to wake up and realize this shit so many people die every day without knowing about God wake up everybody God is real don't let it be too late for you
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Personally I just drove it really doesn't make sense because I'm pulling in the Bible Genesis it says the dome over the Earth with what is above the door and hence why the sky is blue and then that I see the sea that doesn't make sense
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