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Qris ViGiL 36d
Qris ViGiL
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Qris ViGiL
Qris ViGiL
Qris ViGiL 36d
Qris ViGiL
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Qris ViGiL
Esteemed Ill Repute
Qris ViGiL 32d
Qris ViGiL
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Qris ViGiL 32d
Qris ViGiL
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Qris ViGiL 32d
Qris ViGiL
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Esteemed Ill Repute
Esteemed Ill Repute
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Yeah, that's great. What could they do? You said they could stop the riots, stop the protests in one day, okay? And how could they do that? You should have answered that question in this video. I don't know why you would say they could and not say how. Also, it would help if there weren't a few, or a bunch, I don't know how many, but Muslims in general, a few, some Muslims, who thought they had the right to rape women because they don't wear the burqa. Burqa, burqa, burqa. It would be helpful if that wasn't.
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Also Chris, you said what could they do is if they couldn't stop the protest if they wanted to? Benjamin Netanyahu made a comment about the protests at universities in America. The very next day, our government and the universities shut down all protests. There were no more protests at those universities after Benjamin Netanyahu showed his displeasure with it.
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Who's the we that keeps coming together and then getting dispersed or separated by riots? I suppose you're talking about the protesters. But how do you tell the difference between the protesters and the rioters? I don't know. This stuff I don't think really works. Like, the demonstrations are distractions all on their own. Nobody's really coming together. It just sparks riots. You just have people following along and rioting.
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So you conflated the , uuh, the riots and the protests there your self so that's kinda funny in your second comment there. The we come together and then well who ''riots'' It's also we. Or how do you know the difference? I don't know what to tell ya man. But uh, yeah I don't know what, you think the government shuts down the riots when they please just because Benjamin Netanyahu speaks up? Yeah I don't think it's that simple I think that's conspiratorial talk.
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So when they talk about we here, I said we, talking about the people who came together to protest what was going on in Palestine. There were people from all walks of life, there were Christians, there were Jews, Muslims, atheists, there's atheists on this app that protest against it. So, you know, if you can't see that people were coming together, I don't know what to tell you.
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also the whole time i was listening to this and watching this i felt like i was getting spit on The protest cuando estaba escuchando esto y viendo esto, me sentí como si estuviera
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Go figure, you tried to turn this into a racist thing. It's got nothing to do with that. I do kind of have a dislike for Islam, but I think you know that already. It's not an Islamophobic thing, although if I were in a Muslim country, I would probably fear for my life, since I'm white and I have an American accent and I wouldn't know the first thing about saying a Muslim prayer, so I couldn't really hide in the crowd, you know. So, yeah, I wouldn't want to be there. Have a great day, everybody.
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Well, hey chris, its a good thing those muslims are not as bigoted and racist as you are so you wouldn't have anything to fear in a Muslim country You know, as long as your just minding your business you could you could be there peacefully Yeah, good thing they're not like you
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This is really interesting, because I think Chris is just saying things just to say them. I don't think he's ever going to find himself in a Muslim country, but he's going to capitulate or speculate on the basis as if he's ever been in one. And that's really strange, you know? It's like he's just sitting there stereotyping based on, you know, the indigenous people there, based on the culture, based on their religion. I mean, does Chris Vigil have a prejudice?
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The stupidity is astounding. I'm not a racist. This doesn't have anything to do with race. Muslim countries could be white people, they could be black people, and it's just most often they're brown people. It's not about the race. It's about you'd prefer to fit in in a place where people have such a small view of the world, where they think they know God, and God wants women to cover their hair, and, you know, gays should all die, and that kind of stuff. No, it's not all Muslim countries. It's not all Muslim people in those countries.
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Nonetheless if you don't toe the line in some places you could very well find yourself in serious trouble And these are some of those places Muslim countries. It's not good to not be Muslim in a Muslim country It's dangerous now in some cases. That's not true. I understand that I'm not a racist and I'm not an Islamaphobe All I'm saying is that in some cases yes the stereotype stands where you are in danger if you don't fit in
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And esteemed, you should just keep your mouth shut. I've been in two Muslim countries. Just shut up. You don't know my history. You don't know what I've, where I've been, what I've done. Just shut up.
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