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y'all should like really rate being like like how pretty am I like be for real why i'm playing i'm not even that pretty for real i'm just a standing statue but if you think i'm pretty that's It's ego boosting for me.
Where are you suddenly that you've been passed around lately in the valley what is that white stuff in your damn hair oh hell no bro you need some help you know I go to the gym go get some weed you know go to
I am not losing any weight any time so schools killing all day as motivation for losing weight the waist of that you see in my hair is just basically byproduct of a blue hairstyle that I did but yeah
And you're saying that I've been passed around and I haven't had a solid relationship since the fourth grade because I choose not to because it's people who think I'm attractive but I just denied them because I have high standards
How many people say that you're attractive that's funny to me because one thing is I don't understand you kinda look emo girl gone wrong why are you kind a like a science spearmint gone wrong way please just sit down and don't reply to this
If you don't want me to reply then don't reply to my shit that's just as simple as that at least you're being honest at least that's what you think I honestly don't care