One love royalty, it is your king a P Coley reminding you to see the royalty in yourself. It's another day I know I missed a day and we're gonna play catch up on that you feel me But the spark of the day goes like this. No one will hold your wellness as higher. Excuse me. I'm fucking that up No one will hold your wellness as a higher priority than you take Responsibility to make the best choices for your life to be extended. I Guess why I'd be like crash dummy activity. You can always choose to shorten your race and Shrink your lane or you can choose to extend your race and expand your lane So that's what I mean like your choices either minimize your lane or expand it and I hope you're choosing the expansion every time But if you enjoy what I've been doing if you've enjoyed the content man If you've been enjoying just a word of encouragement go to a P Coley comm join a Spartan circle I'll see you there and don't forget to vote yet. Oh