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Indica 26d
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Jhon Doe
Jack 24d
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Jhon Doe
Camellia 23d
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Camellia 23d
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If he's so awesome, then why is he allowing people to die? Why is he allowing children to get raped and pregnant? Why is he allowing women to be beaten? Why is he allowing murder? Why is he allowing any of it? Why? If he's so awesome, then why isn't he doing anything?
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i totally agree with what you're saying but if god was real wouldn't he like prevent a lot of the things like 9 11 like almost a lot of natural disasters and it's and honestly in a way in a matter of speaking i find god not real
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Cuz that *****'s not real.
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It's because God can't control all the people on the earth, like they can make their own choice if they want to be bad or not. Look, God is trying to help you to be a good person and not get you into trouble. God is trying to tell you to go to church and don't go to the path where bad things happen.
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My mom said God is real, and my pastor said that if I don't believe in God, I'll go to hell, and I don't want to go to hell. So listen, I don't want to go to hell, so let's say God is real, okay? And close your eyes, and let's pray. Okay. God is real. God is real. God is real.
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i kinda get that, but at the same time, i don't. like, if he's the one making these- like yeah, he lets them have their own decisions, but at the same time, he already knows what's gonna happen before it happens, supposedly. so why is he even allowing that person to like... you know? and it's just like, oh they make their own choices, but the future is preconceived. like, the future is already known to him, so if he knows that's gonna happen, why even let it, you know? i don't know.
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And if God was the answer, then why is so many terrible things have happened in this entire world ever since humanity came to be in this world? And I just find it a wee bit bullshit. And then plus a lot of religions are very rude and biased towards each other, specifically towards the LGT.
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The LGTB community has been really ridiculed, but not everybody in that community has been ridiculed. A lot of people have, and I just wish a lot of people, I wish everybody was nice. It's kind of hard how everybody treats each other. It's like the Hunger Games. And I feel like if we were all nice to each other, then maybe none of all these bad things happening in the world.
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