New account, old account, whatever the fuck account I'm on, I do my fucking thing. And the people that want to follow me, they follow me. I'm proud of myself because I seen the opportunity to grow and I walked through that door. Everybody don't see that glowing door as an opportunity to walk through, they may see it as an opportunity to turn around and go through a door that is dark, that is quiet and familiar and comfortable. I pushed myself out of comfortability because I was tired. I was so tired. You know, this would be the perfect time to have a singing bowl, but I know whenever I do receive that singing bowl, it'll be just on time or fuck it, I'll just buy my own and do what I did. Get some things to liven up the place a little bit. I wonder how long can you talk? I'll test it out and push it, push it, push it, push it. Um, man.