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Sandra Wolk 438d
Sandra Wolk
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Sandra Wolk
Malori 438d
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Suzanne pickens
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Marias Bad Mom Club
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Marias Bad Mom Club
Britt 438d
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Taylor 438d
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Abigail Cruz 431d
Abigail Cruz
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Abigail Cruz
Sandy King 425d
Sandy King
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What is one thing growing up that you dealt with that the way your parents raised you that you did not carry on? I will go first. My mom was paranoid with everything. Like if you went outside, the cold air was gonna make you sick. If you went out with anybody, you were gonna get sick. If you even smelled like cold air, you were gonna start running nose. If the air touched your ear, you were gonna get an ear infection. Like I feel like now I deal with so much anxiety because no matter what, like there was always an issue for just simple tasks. So I'm trying to make sure my kids understand It's okay to get muddy. It's okay to get dirty. It's okay to be around people. If you get sick, you get sick. Like we're not just gonna shelter our children like I was sheltered. Anybody else deal with something like that?
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I was raised in a really Catholic household and it was just something that I didn't believe as a young like from a young age but I was forced to do it go to Catholic school go to church every Sunday and follow all the Catholic
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I'm following a Catholic beliefs and what not but I didn't carry that onto my adulthood life and I won't force my child into any belief I'm so she wants to choose in her future she deathly can
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I grew up in a Christian household and I still like believe in Christianity, but I don't force it on my children. Now when my child gets old enough and she goes, mom, I really want to go to church. like then okay let's go to church like that's fine but i won't force it either
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So I don't think I really had like a sheltered childhood. I don't think like anything that my mom did with me. I'm doing different. She was like a pretty lenient mom. The only thing I used to tell myself was if I ever have a kid, I would not keep them from friends places. but now I get it because you cannot trust.
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Yeah, you just can't trust anybody in this world nowadays. Like my daughter, I'll let her maybe go places. I don't know. I'm weird. I- it's gonna be a hard toss up because until she has a phone where she can call me and she feels like something is wrong, I don't know. I just don't know. Bye.
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Okay, so I got one, I was sitting right next to my mom, so this is kind of funny. But I'm not gonna tell my kid that it's illegal to turn on the light inside the car, because it's not. Because I swear.
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Yes, I remember my mom telling me the same thing all the time. And now as an adult, I'm like, wait, that's not illegal? Like, I've known that now for a half minute, but I still tell my child it's illegal. So I don't know. I still continue this one.
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One thing that my mom kind of, she didn't teach me but she would always talk about is like she would always talk about people's bodies in like a negative way and be super judgmental about everybody and everyone.
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and like it did not take me long to realize that that was like bad that that was horrible that that's not something that you should do to anyone that no one deserves that so I've been fighting her since like age 5 about that
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Yeah, my mom definitely did this as well and she also made it like if you weren't skinny, like you weren't as valuable to the man you're around or whatever. And like I don't want to I don't want to carry that negative self-esteem my child, period.
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So I wasn't really sheltered as a kid, but there was some things that my parents never talked about that I wish was talked about more, and that was like the birds and the bees, like sex. You talked about it and you were belittled.
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And when my parents found out that you were having sex, you were belittled and degraded and felt disgusting for it, like it wasn't a natural thing to be doing, and you'd be called a whore, and I just- I have two-
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I have two daughters and I feel like this is something I'm going to be really open about because I want them to come to me if they need birth control or something happens and and they need my help, you know?
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Because exploring your sexuality is extremely normal and natural and it's something that we shouldn't have to hide. Um... So yeah.
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I am so sorry you went through that and I totally understand that and I definitely think like it shouldn't be something that you're disgraced for or like talked bad about because it is a natural like it is something that in every person
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My mom sheltered me by not letting me do things with my friends. Always having to meet the parents first, not letting me go outside when it was cold. She didn't let me get my license when I was 16, so now I'm scared to drive, so I still have my license.
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It was the same for me and growing up in New York, I didn't have many friends because we were always stuck in the apartments. So it's like either apartments, going to school, going to church and back. school, church, sometimes a park, and back.
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So I never really got to play with my friends because I wasn't allowed to. I wasn't allowed to have friends over. I wasn't allowed to go to anybody's house unless it was with my parents.
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I definitely didn't have a sheltie childhood at all and that's really really hard I feel so bad for you that you had to do that because cold air does not make you sick but my mom really talk down on herself like a lot growing up so that's definitely one thing that I will not be doing
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