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Maddy Marceau 684d
Maddy Marceau
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Heather Ihla 683d
Heather Ihla
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Alyssa 683d
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So today is one of those days where I am just moving slowly. I'm groggy. I was up until 1 a.m. which I always know I regret it the next day but here I am doing it anyways. So today is just one of those days and I'm slowly getting things done but I'm taking my good old time. But yeah like what are you guys up to? It's the middle of the week, like we're halfway through. So today is just kind of like a chill day, relaxing at home, getting some cleaning done, it's raining and icky out so we're gonna be inside. So I have comfortable clothes on, I made myself one of my comfort foods and we're just gonna kick it out the house today. Maybe try to find like an indoor activity to keep the kids' attention. What are like a good like kid activity you guys do with your kiddos when it's rainy and icky out but They need something. Let me know in the comments below
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I like to take water and freeze it and then put like little dinosaurs in it and then they use like like some kind of tool to break up the ice and get the dinosaurs out.
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I like to give my kiddos like pot bottles that are empty and a ball and we kind of just like to do bowling or we'll play with Play-Doh or or something along those lines.
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Maybe some water painting like watercolor painting or a nice sensory play like a water sensory water play whether it's where a sensory sand play anything sensory or painting
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