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Jessi 695d
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Valkyrie 695d
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Heather Ihla 693d
Heather Ihla
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Sandy King 690d
Sandy King
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Kaylaaa 690d
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Britt 689d
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Guwop 686d
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Do you ever feel like your days are on repeat? Or, and do you think there's like something wrong with that? I feel like, like as a stay-at-home mom, at least in my case as a stay-at-home mom, every day feels like so much the same. So, and I feel like my kids just get bored. So they start acting crazy. And the only way I can like resolve that is like trying to find something new every day. whether it be like going to get food or like going to get coffee at a different time or going to the park for an hour or so or just trying to find new parks to enjoy. Like I try to find something lately at least every day to every other day just to like cut down on the boredom for my kiddos um and create maybe a little less chaotic at least in my head. I think it's going to be be less chaotic, but it usually doesn't end up that way. But we still try to do something fun every day.
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Yes, especially when it's going to be the weekend and you know your brain is used to being like, oh it's the weekend. I'm like, well it's going to be the same day. It's gonna be the same.
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Yeah, I feel like the days blend so much that I forget what day it is. Like, oh, it's Saturday? I thought it was like Thursday.
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OK are you talking about like I'm repeat or are you talking about like déjà vu because I get that a lot even if I don't want to stop and I can control it if I want it to happen or not but yeah sometimes but when it does some shit happens and you can actually change it up a bit
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It's like life is strange all right if I came like a strange anytime something but you know something bad happens you can control it because that should give you a whole advice like eight this shit gonna happen so are you going to change it up or are you gonna let it happen
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Both for sure I can get extremely weird when it's the deja vu, but the days are just repeating, usually never ending.
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for me my days definitely seem like they're on repeat so I mean I can kind of suck but I try and make sure I get out on the weekends and do stuff even try and do it during the week so it's not so much the same every day.
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Yeah I feel like this every single day and I try to go out to new playgroups or new areas every single day in a really small town so I get boring like stupid be quick especially in the winter there's absolutely nothing open even like 30 minutes away from me so I have to always drive like 40 minutes for any entertainment and such a pain it's so hard to find things at home Chatterton with that isn't like crazy It's hard
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As a kid I remember now that you mention it going to different parks my mom went to a lot of different parks remember like we had ventured a lot of like walking areas like paths and like nature parks just like locally like I don't even think it was more than like 30 minutes 45 minutes of a drive so yeah remember to do that a lot so I think I might do the same with my kids this summer
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Also take into consideration there is like a lot of things to do usually like locally at least in my area which is not like a super in all like population dad's area it's like on Facebook they have a lot of like events and stuff that are open to the public and then I follow like a moms group page that's like local and they share a lot of like a free or low cost things to do with your kiddos which I'm definitely going to take advantage of
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I feel this I am a full-time stay at home mom and every day we get up at the same time and look at the same for walls I'm doing the same chores or given the same billion snacks every day like it's it's hard I am mentally but It's definitely worth it but I will say that it's 100% hard
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I don't feel like my disappear feel like every single day there's something new and yeah you just have to make the most of it and yeah see what experiences you go through because every single day is a different day I don't care what anyone says
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Check you have no idea I mean I guess it's all about the experiences you have and the moments you choose to live in and make them last you know if you do something every day you're not gonna feel like that if you're always out and I don't feel like that but if you're alone are you gonna feel like that and women aren't really like that so check why wine
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