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Jordana 693d
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Suzanne pickens
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As a mama that enjoys having some kind of hobbies, it's so hard to find time to actually do the hobbies. Or if I do that hobby, it's usually like after the kids are asleep, because I just don't have time or I get too frustrated during the day. So I end up staying up way later than I need to, but that's okay. Tonight I'll probably be up playing Fortnite until 3am and that would be grumpy that I'm tired in the morning, but you know it happens. I'll still be there for the kiddos so that's all that matters.
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I don't really have any hobbies I usually stay up later than I should as well but I'm usually just watching something on my laptop I'm also on a weed smoker so I usually just spend my nights chilling and smoking by myself while everybody else is sleeping once in a while I'll do word searches or a puzzle but I don't usually have that much time for just myself and the only time I get is now
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The only time I really get to myself is a nighttime when everybody's in bed, so I'm usually just relaxing.
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I'm also a Kana mama so I get it. At night time, I have medical card because it's for medical purposes, but I have to before I can even go to sleep. So usually I'll just kick it and chill and play some video games or get some content done I need to at night time and then smoke and then go to bed. So I totally get it. and it's like my peace time.
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Yeah I definitely agree it's so hard to be able to do stuff for yourself especially hobby
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