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Aimilios 680d
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Jennica 679d
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Jayde Alexandria
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I love having salt lamps in my home I have two of them right now and I also have like candleholders that are made out of salt I have read that they can improve your mood they can help your sleep they just look beautiful in a room and they can actually improve the air quality to of a room so I highly suggest getting one yourself If you're looking to enhance your space and make it more cosy and beautiful and yeah experience the benefits of them
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You know when I was about 10 I had the exact same thing going on I had like I had like a big old salt lamp that actually licked one time. That was It was the worst idea had at that age But there's also you don't like for other healthy things you can have in your room Well, I mean for your body in general is like ashwagandha or like roots from trees and other plants And then also mushrooms as well. those can really benefit your health.
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Lamps are very healing. I love those. We have one here and I think they're very cool and awesome. So yeah, I think it's great you're using that and it has a lot of benefits. salt, I've seen it as at saunas and stuff.
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I love them too. They are so beautiful. They make it such a mood.
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