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Liv 689d
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Jayde Alexandria
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Okay, so I have been taking this Irish Seamos from the Healthy Life website for more than a year now and I have to say that this is the best Seamos. It's raw, it's organic. It tastes super weird but once you put it in a smoothie, like you can't even taste the funky smell that just comes along with it being from the sea. But yeah, I just wanted to share this with you today because it has helped me with my hair growth, the thickness of my hair, my nails, my skin. Like I just, it's like a natural filler and it's pretty amazing. So if you are interested in trying Seamoss out, I highly suggest buying it from this website. You could look up Marcus Rothcrands, That's Marcus with a K or thehealthylife.com. And yeah, check out his website. got some amazing things.
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That's good to know that you like that one. I have had one for a while. It's just like a freeze dried one that I make myself, but I'm always looking for new brands to try because it's sold out a lot.
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I just started taking Iris CMOS today I likes the bottom of the soaked it and then like me to meet a jelly out of it and I'm super excited because it has like there's it has so many supplements like I'll be seven or minerals yeah so I just started and I'm super excited
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