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Natalia Lavaggi
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Tay 680d
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Do you have a favorite person that you look to for health related information? Like a family friend or somebody online or maybe somebody that's written a book on this kind of stuff. My favorite person to look up to for this kind of thing is Marcus Rothkranz. He is on YouTube as the Healthy Life. wife Cara is also amazing and offers really good information on all things health and I highly recommend checking them out.
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So for years the best person that I could recommend off the top of my head would be Dr. Josh axe he is a functional medicine doctor and I can't even tell you how much he has influenced my journey as a health coach I saw his information years and years ago and I just saw the practicality of what he shared and it wasn't too extreme he wasn't trying to influence people to have one specific kind of diet but he was just wanting people to have a more holistic lifestyle in general so I would look them up
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I have a few people I don't remember their names but there's some girls on Instagram who look really really good they're older girls I guess if that matters they have kids and children like they're like 30s 40s so like if you can I'm gonna go that one with looking good. I like you.
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