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Jayde Alexandria
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Jessi 688d
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Isa Manson
Rich Amoah 688d
Rich Amoah
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Hi I am fasting today I have not had anything to eat or drink besides water and tea for 20 hours now I have been watching lots of different talks on YouTube about fasting and the benefits of it and it is just amazing and yeah I Feel really good right now I feel really good in my body obviously I've been thinking about food like a lot but you know every time I think about food I drink some more water and I you know start doing something and I just have been keeping myself busy I would suggest if you want to learn about fasting and its benefits to google Fasting for survival on YouTube you'll see doc a doctor there who talks a lot about about it that can definitely explain it better than I can yeah I just wanted to share that with you today because I'm feeling really good and I am excited to get into a tougher G which is when your cells actually start Renewing themselves in your body goes and gets rid of any garbage cells pretty much and so it's creating new cells and like it's really interesting and yeah I'm looking forward to a feeling that
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I'm super proud of you. It's really amazing. It's not easy to do.
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Hell yeah, I mean more power to you. I could not do that, but I think that's awesome
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I hear you there it's definitely a tough one to sell to people to you know suggest to them to stop eating cause it's but yeah after I watch this video on YouTube called fasting for survival wow it just like blew my mind and like just realizing that it it's like the key to anti-aging and healing like anything I'm like I'm so stoked on
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What are a few benefits to fasting sounds like torture to me
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