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Natalia Lavaggi
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Natalia Lavaggi
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Natalia Lavaggi
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I definitely have days where I feel like the shit I feel like I have such a nice body as I have my dream body I'm so confident in myself and then on the flipside they'll be days where I just wanna know when I look at myself in the mirror I wear like sweatshirts and sweatpants to cover myself up because I'm so insecure that day are usually just wear things that make them comfortable and just do things that makes me feel good those type of things so what are you guys do to deal with body dysmorphia
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One of the things that really worked for me was to renew my mind and you know spiritually but also in a mental and physiological level so it takes about 21 days minimum to renew a thought a pattern or a belief and so I wrote out scripture and actually like you know affirmations about my identity and about my worth and it even about how I look and repeated those to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror
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So an example of this would be I am beautiful. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am lovely just as I am. I embrace myself. I embrace the way that I look. I am more than just my body. I am a beautiful creation. I am more than enough. I am empowered. I am loved. I am unique and I am precious.
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So, doing this on a consistent basis, even though it may have felt strange in the beginning, when I started to do it more consistently, it was actually renewing my mind and my mental patterns about what I believed about myself and after doing it for a couple of months, it was almost automatic. And so when I would look at myself in the mirror, I wasn't comparing myself to things and social media images. I was actually like genuinely embracing who I was and it felt amazing.
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