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Mallory Timpano
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Mike Damn 432d
Mike Damn
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Anagha Ahire 431d
Anagha Ahire
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Abzino 429d
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So this past week I was really sick with a respiratory infection and I literally cannot get out of bed so obviously I was not gonna go to the gym but like other times when I've been like just mildly just like under the weather and just really tired and fatigued I'd like still push myself to go to the gym so what's like the line for you guys were like you are not feeling good but like you're gonna push yourself versus having to stay home
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No, I personally don't go because I found over time, you know, especially from times that I was sick and did go and work out, that usually I'm at a high risk of injury and I don't feel good and I could get other people sick on top of it. And then I think it prolongs the illness, honestly, because you need to really rest when you're sick.
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No Jim Jim could be life but life is life I got to take care of myself far as if I'm not feeling well I'm not pushing anything it's for me is no problem to get better and try again another day
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It depends if I'm really not feeling it and I don't have the energy that I want but sometimes I like to be active because it kind of releases those endorphins so based on what kind of sick or talking about I'll like decide what I want to do
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No, that's really bad idea because if you're going to the gym when you're sick, you're not going to be able to fully optimise your workout and you won't get the best out of it so you're pretty much going to be wasting your time and it's not good to push yourself and force yourself to go to the gym if you're not healthy and you're not in the right mind state. Thank you.
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