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What's you guys proudest moment you've achieved in the gym? Me personally, it has to be quite recent. Well I know I was just very shocked and proud of myself. I haven't been in the gym, been doing a lot of body weight exercise and cardiovascular endurance type exercise. But from being out for so long to bench, 100kg, I was quite shocked to myself. So one rep max, but yeah, I'm very happy.
I think my proudest moment in the gym was when I had a PR0 115 kg bench and Aaron are hamsters in pounds but it was equipment for me because I knew that all the hard work I've been doing over the years has been really paying off
Nice one man that's on the radar so I've got to one was anything 180 kg and the second was benching 105 I want 107.05 actually just a extra 2.5 and I'm and I was I'm probably more proud of the deadlifts because I really worked up to that of someone
But to give you some more context on the bench because I think benching is great but is a bit of an ego move am I actually suffered a really bad shoulder injury years ago so it's always struggling with bench and afternoon hundred press ups every day for the last three years I was able to fly through bench pressing so if you need a bench hire do press ups every day