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Do you think that your thoughts affect your health this is actually a trick question because I will tell you right now they do there is a significant amount of proof around her cortisol inhibitor immune system and also severely message to mess up your metabolism your hormones your hormones etc. etc. so I'm wondering if you feel this is your own body because personally I just got sick again and I spent two days straight and a really negative headspace and I almost could feel I was like I'm probably gonna get sick from this and I did
100% your thoughts affect your health is so many studies that prove that in a really easy example is when they compare people who have a gratitude practice every day whether it's through prayer or journalling how that affects the chemistry and the health of the brain will by default affect you know the body's house because of the chemicals that are released words people who are always complaining who are not focus on gratitude and they're always speaking negatively you can see that there's stress levels are a lot higher him and they're more prone to things like depression and anxiety
Very much so it definitely do sometimes your thoughts can be your biggest downfall I can hold you back from so many things so you just Gotta be mindful of how you think and feel about yourself and what you say to yourself