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Cee 513d
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So I was thinking which is harder to train for something like a marathon or training something like boxing Because with a man for you just training long distance running Even though it's a long distance but training for something like a professional fighting boxing or something It's gonna take a lot of hard work Which one do you think is harder to train?
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I'm not really much of a fitness person. I'm just say any type of fight because I was a runner in high school go and hold her in the heart, at least for me.
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Hey guys need some personal trainer here and I would definitely say that they carry almost the same amount of discipline the same amount of like workouts because for a long distance running you really have to have stamina and muscles while with fighting you also have to have stamina and muscles and you know speed and agility and quickness so all those things play a role
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I think they are hard in different ways however personally I think long-distance running or marathon would be hard to train for just because there's less excitement and less adrenaline which really helps you get through a very tough situation And personally I just got burnt out quicker how long distance from them I do any type of fight
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Personally, I feel like long distance running would be more difficult Because like with a fight like you have like a constant like target in front of you that you're like Working on like, you know taking down or doing whatever you're doing but like with like long distance running in a marathon like You have to constantly like force yourself to keep running and then also like Sometimes you have to go back, so however far you ran you have to go back.
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