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Bethany Dingman
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Anaaaam 700d
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Lillie 700d
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Lillie 700d
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Natalia Lavaggi
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Do you guys eat healthy every day or like certain days for example like just on the weekdays and like you allow yourself some freedom on the weekends I think it's important to know that like you no matter what throughout your health journey like everything in moderation
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So for me I ate a big a balance one day I might be eat super healthy in the next day it might not be as healthy I don't restrict myself to just like weekends or certain holidays because I also agree it's good to eat things in moderation coming back from my eating disorder because I used to restrict myself so much it's just very important for me to have a balance
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I try to eat healthy every day and whether it's a special occasion or I feel like having a cheat day I'll just go for it but usually healthy.
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So, um, not really.
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So you know, us girls have a one week every month and for me, I go crazy. I eat a lot of chocolate, a lot of candy, ice cream, everything. But that's the most important time to eat vegetables and fruits. But other than that, I try to eat healthy but I can't because I'm already eating candy and drinking Kulet. But the healthiest thing I'm doing right now I was drinking like four bottles of water each day.
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I think for the most part it's in balance like there are some days where I allow myself to make a great batch of chocolate chip cookies and I'll eat that but I'm having a protein blueberry smoothie and free range eggs and I'm drinking tons of candy and alkaline water so I let myself have those treats because overall I'm eating a balanced diet that has a lot of healthy nutrients and is anti-inflammatory
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