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I've been struggling with not like bringing in income. Um, like it literally just, it makes me feel like I'm not being helpful and like when my husband is stressed out, I feel like I'm stressed out to the nine because I'm not helping financially and I feel like I could be. But with daycare it doesn't make sense for me to put the kids into daycare with how expensive it is and that's why I started content creation and little by little I've been making more and more. So I decided to treat myself with a wagon, but my husband thinks that the wagon prices are astronomical and I will never use it or that I will never get used in or that it's just an astronomical price for just a stroller wagon. So do I buy it anyways because I'm still struggling to actually pull the trigger because I've wanted one for over a year, but I don't know, like I want to do what be like considerate of my husband, but at the same time, he isn't over the road truck driver, so he's gone all week long and it's just me with three kids. So I feel like this would make my life so much easier and more capable to go do things because I also have medical issues. So do I just pull the trigger and do it? Because I feel like everybody's significant other said it was a waste of money. And then once they got it, they're like it was worth its weight in gold. So do I just pull the trigger? advice.
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I think that you should treat yourself and I am I think that you really need it it would help you especially with him being gone I could get into a long conversation about everything you just spoke about
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Oh yeah, I definitely feel like this was one of those discussion. That sometimes can go crazy, but yeah. I love that these soundbites aren't just 15 seconds now, like you can make them longer. But I'm pretty sure I'm gonna buy it. Like he told me I could buy it finally, but he's just gonna be very discouraged and I have to get like the basic model. and you're still gonna be grumpy with me, but I'm still gonna get it.
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Yeah you're going to get it it's OK let him be grumpy he'll get over it in late I hope two seconds
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Yeah being financially having your own money it really helps I am a stay at home mom currently and have been doing odd jobs to make money and it's just not enough you know so
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And I've been applying for jobs for a couple of months and haven't gotten anything and it's just super frustrating and I think that if you have the funds, I say go for it and he will be fine in the long run.
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totally agree are you like looking for like content creation jobs like is that what you're looking for or just like other things.
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If it's your money and you think it would help you guys I would say go for it but also look for a secondhand one as something wrong sometimes people sell that like people get them as gifts or whatever and they sell them for a bit less with nothing wrong with them so I'll check but I feel you on that make enough money I'm going back to work early so late because I just feel like It's hard and we doesn't make enough money for us both but I just feel guilt
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I have looked everywhere for secondhand ones on all like the market places, buy sell pages, like on Facebook there's actually groups where they're like just for those wagons to talk about like new stuff but they also sometimes sell them on there. So I've looked high and low for a used one because obviously if I can get like a very nice one that's that's barely used, go for it, but I cannot find one, So I'm just gonna have to buy it.
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If you're going to use it, then yeah, definitely get it. I mean, things like that really can make your life a lot easier.
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Yeah, like I will use it almost every single day Like right now I use just like a double stroller and it's very hard to Manage with the children and then they're always fighting over the seats and then it's just a constant battle as well as like They'll make me like carry them like my five-year-old will try to make me carry her around and I'm like girl I can't. I have a very bad back, like a very bad one. So like carrying her, I end up falling every time.
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So we have a wagon and we take it everywhere with us like for, especially when we go like on theme parks, we always go to wild adventures and we always use it. My son usually sits in it at the beginning and then he'll like walk around and then he'll get in it at the end when he's tired. He usually falls asleep in it, but it's perfect because you don't have to lug any like other bags. If you got bags, you can put it in there. If you got drinks, there's cup holders like everything. It will literally change your life and you don't have to.
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That's like I tried to explain to him. I said it might seem like a lot of money for one of those, but like at the same time everybody that does have them says they're worth their weight in gold because it helps them so much and like with him just being gone all the time like for me to go take them to like the zoo which we have zoo passes like for me to do that on my own I cannot just do that on my own without a wagon to be able to like help carry things or the children or like beach trips or anything like that.
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Maybe you guys could compromise, you know, maybe see if you can find a used one for cheaper price, maybe see if that helps because I mean you definitely deserve yourself a little treat even thinking about it for over a year. obviously is something that you think will benefit your family.
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I definitely have tried to do that but they just aren't like there's none for sale in my area because I totally thought about that. I was like you know I could I could find a used one and we could just compromise in that sense. Obviously I want a new one but if we can compromise then cool but I literally have not found a single one and if I do by the time I message it's gone. It's already gone so I've been trying and I'm gonna keep trying until I eventually buy it but But thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.
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Definitely go for it if money is an issue try like Facebook marketplace usually always has someone getting rid of their stuff and take at least like a good week or two looking for one if you still can't find one and then try to talk to your spouse again and try to come to some agreement you know like if it doesn't work out maybe try selling it back again or something I don't know but definitely with three kids I need it with you so I can't even imagine with three definitely worth it in my opinion
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Honestly if it's going to help you if it's going to benefit you and the kids I definitely would just say pull the trigger and buy it and then explain to him all the pros on why you purchased it and why you actually physically need it Because if it's going to help you why would he say no you know what I mean
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