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I am super curious to know if anyone on this platform rock climbs because I do and I really love it So yeah, let me know and I'd love to know why you like it and kind of where you do it Yeah.
So I rock climb and boulder and I love both of them. Bouldering is super fun with no rope and then rock climbing. Obviously you have the rope and you can belay and top rope and there's so many different levels and challenges with that.
I have only ever done rock climbing once and it was a long time ago, but I actually kind of forgot about it until I saw your sound **** Definitely something I want to get back to I'm not, I probably won't be great at it, but it would be really fun.
So are used to rock climb and I miss it so much you're such a great exercise and there's so many indoor rock climbing areas you can go if you don't wanna be scaling a fucking mountain or anything it's so much fun I need to get back into it you just reminded me that thank you
I'm scared of heights so I have not tried rock climbing because I'm afraid that once I get to the top, I will not be able to get down and it would be like so embarrassing if like the fire department I may have to come get me down. I would like to call into Iraq and just want to die.
I used to rock climb more in gyms, but I like doing rock climbing like outside more I'm not a huge fan of like you have one inch of grip, you know, and I'm just not you know So I like to rock climb outside and stuff, you know Usually we'll just be out for a hike and we see certain Walls or sides of the mountain that we're on be like that looks fun, you know And we'll just kind of look at it for a bit make sure we can get down and then just go for it I really like doing that. That's a lot of fun or sometimes with
I know I don't go rock climbing. I think it's a good hobby though. It's not like I don't do strength, banners, anything. But you know, I think if you do that's actually a good thing. I think I should get into it.
I just don't know I don't know who the fuck out time to do that for real where I'm at I don't know like nothing is going to work school and then come home probably go smoke with you go to sleep by restart just give it in or you gotta be very serious you know it's not even that inches which are self girl I wanna rock clown suit let me do it one day if I get time