You know the older I'm getting, the more I hear about marriage. But ironically, I have read so many times in many publishings that marriage is at an all-time low. And that people nowadays would rather be in a long-term commitment because they view marriage as a piece of paper. But I want to ask you, is marriage a piece of paper or is it something more? would love to hear your thoughts.
To me, I am not worried about marriage. I find marriage super expensive. Divorce is even more expensive if it doesn't work. So I am engaged but I I think that's as far as we'll get. you might do something spiritual.
You just mentioned something so important here which is money. It's so expensive to you know make a wedding everything and if it gets to a divorce even more expensive?
I think when you're in a healthy relationship and you're actually growing and you're building with your significant other, y'all values align, y'all have the same morals and everything and y'all have the same goals, then yes, marriage is more than just a piece of paper.
Exactly I'm so glad that you hit on like Kohl's in alignment because if you don't have those things then yeah of course it's gonna be a piece of paper and also if you really care about the person then the piece of paper doesn't matter stronger than that so yeah
I want to say that marriage is definitely a piece of paper it's just something that society has teach you to be like you are forced to do it what family is going to say
I think it's a piece of paper that binds you and then the whole if you ever wanna divorce lawyers and the court system they all pray on you and take all your money so I think that piece of paper is not worth it unless you marry rich
I think that learn to the long-term commitment is better because people are realizing that there's no drawbacks Swift if the relationship doesn't work out as a marriage somebody can take half of your shit
You are totally right this is something that no one has mentioned in the response when you basically have to split your house, your money, your furniture all that kind of stuff.
I would say piece of paper, I don't think it's necessary. It's a legal thing It's easy to get into and really hard to get out of and it cost you a lot of money to do so So, I say get a spiritual marriage, don't get a legal one.
Listen, I've been married for a year, but I've known my partner for six years, almost seven, and I love the thought of marriage. It means trust. Trust is a big thing these days, so yeah, I'm all for marriage.
Your definition was great. It's about trust and another advantage that you guys have is you've been in a relationship for six years That means you know each other enough to give the next step.