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British, living in Saudi Arabia. Drunk on coffee.
1 Post
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16 talks
10 following
6 listeners
It's MECCA Ho' 🕋
Wake ⏰️ Yo Goat mouth azz up
George & 4 more
1 listener
Open Talk
Talk about anything and everything
George & 3 more
18 listeners
CMIIW but COVID made us better #covid #better
Before covid we may have been careless, less active and demotivated to do things. Today we stand strong and eager to do more. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings.
George & 3 more
13 listeners
[EP 10] CMIIW but we make promises we can’t deliver #promise #deliver
You think a new year marks a new point in your life so you want to better but set unrealistic goals. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings.
George & 2 more
32 listeners
CMIIW but the world should mind their own & leave Qatar alone #fifa #world
So much noise around Qatar ATM but ignorance has made us blind. Why are we enforcing the way of living on others? What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings.
George & 5 more
8 listeners
CMIIW but self promotion is key
We all need to boast our confidence and feel good. Self promotion could be seen as vain and sometimes arrogant. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings.
George & 2 more
25 listeners
CMIIW but women/men with hobbies are more attractive #men #women
What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings. 20mins with us, 30mins with guests and 20mins for QA
George & 3 more
35 listeners
CMIIW but we need more people like Elon Musk in the world #realtalk #crazy
We say we’re going to do something but we don’t, then complain that the world is run by the 1%. We are the cause of our own journey. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings. 20mins with us, 30mins with guests and 20mins for QA
George & 4 more
41 listeners
CMIIW but social media is no longer social #tech #life
Initially we saw the likes of Facebook introduce us to connecting with family and friends by sharing our life. Today, this is no longer the case. It’s become more about advertising or becoming an influencer i.e. a job. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings. 20mins with us, 30mins with guests and 20mins for QA
George & 4 more
35 listeners
CMIIW but you’re either an EXTRAVERT or INTROVERT, not both! #personality
Your CORE personality can not be both unless you think your special or don’t know what you are. Yes, we share some traits from each side of the coin known as Ambivert but that is not your core. What’s your view? Join us in bringing reality to this matter, by sharing different perspectives, experience and upbringings. 20mins with us, 30mins with guests and 20mins for QA
George & 3 more
23 listeners
Join the conversation. Let's Talk!
George & 3 more
21 listeners
CMIIW but living or going abroad changes your mentality #abroad #mentality
In this talk we will discuss how living or going abroad changes your mental state. We learn, we experience and discover ourselves, something that is hard to do in your current bubble. In this talk we will spend 20mins discussing the topic before we open the floor to individuals from different worlds.
George & 3 more
29 listeners
but G.R.I.T and determination will help you succeed, regardless of your background. Let’s answer the questions of what is it and how we can adopt it within our life. So join us in bringing different lives, different perspectives and different cultures to the discussion. 20mins with us, 30mins with guests and 10mins Q&A.
George & 4 more
11 listeners
CORRECT ME IF I’M WRONG - EP1 #movewiththetimes #realtalk
but we need to move with the times and share the journey with each other. After all a life shared is a life lived. We bring you a sneak preview to our journal and discuss the importance of moving with the times. From work, life and relationships. Two lives, two perspectives and two different cultures.
George & 3 more
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