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Mitzi Mendoza 682d
Mitzi Mendoza
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Anagha Ahire 682d
Anagha Ahire
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Zenovia G 681d
Zenovia G
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Have you ever tried any workouts or exercises on YouTube like a quick 10 minute 20 minute one today was actually one of my fight like a long time ago I took one but I haven't in a while like done one on YouTube and I did a 10 minute core ab workout and it was really good actually I enjoyed it and then I did a yoga one and I just felt really relaxed and my body felt so much better I just yeah I don't know why I haven't done this before I did it way years and years ago I can't remember I didn't stick with it too long but I always work out like on my own so it's nice I just kind of like have that on there directing me
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Yes I've tried like hit videos and I've also done Pilates Pilates videos from YouTube and they're actually quite good so I am a pretty big fan
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Yeah I've actually tried a couple Pilates classes which I didn't joy because I could do the from the comfort of my room and I tried some yoga and meditation haven't done anything else but I'm sure there's like a lot of helpful ones I personally need to be in the gym to do a proper workout that's not like Pilates or yoga so I stick to those two for YouTube and then the rest I can just do my own
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Are used to like do all the like 1510 minute on ab workouts and like my whole workout routine and then I would do some cardio and then my mom was like begging to like all the free workouts that you can find on YouTube so I tried a different couple ones with her so they were interesting and I think some of them work really well
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