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How many of you guys have watched Gabby's Dollhouse on Netflix? Like I'm really curious how popular this show actually is. I feel like I got pretty popular. I know around Christmas time everyone was looking for the dollhouse toys to get their kids and like they were all sold out everywhere and then they were being like resold for like hundreds or whatever. So I definitely know it's popular and I know that they put out a lot of seasons really really fast because they're up to season seven now and it's like not that old of a show so they're putting out like probably like those seven seasons are like within the last year like I swear like definitely within the last two years they put out seven seasons so that's pretty crazy but my stepdaughter loves that show and I watched it with her the first three seasons and I just started watching it again with my son and like catching up because I didn't know that they had put out so many more seasons but I honestly love this show the songs have been stuck in my head. I've been seeing them at work and I don't know what it is about this show but I really really love it. Like it's definitely for my inner child for sure and my son really likes it too so it's a really cute. He loves all of the shows that I used to watch with his big sister. Like I'm like oh my gosh I used to watch this with her when she was little and you like it and it just it makes my heart so happy. I miss my stepdaughter so freaking much so watching like our favorite shows helps me feel like closer to her I guess so I'm really glad that he likes it because if he does not like a show, I cannot watch it.
Yes we love Gabbys doll house too I feel like my daughters been watching that since she was probably a couple months old but yeah I love it we love the arm What's the DJs name TJ Kennett yeah
Yes we love DJ catnip too I honestly love all of them but I think my favorite might be Kiki he's just so cute and I just recently discovered he's a boy
Yes 1000% my stepdaughter was I think she was three when it came out two or three and it was like her favorite thing for I don't know probably still is
What I really like is that they show you like a lot of crafts and things that you can actually make so like I did a lot of cross from the show with her like there's one where you make like these little cut yours headband and you literally just need like pipe cleaners and usually it's like stuff that you just have around your house so I really really like that they do that it's really great
oh yeah my little sister loves to watch it and then she's even got my little son laking to watch because he's a big cat boy so he definitely loves it too.
My daughter loves Gabby's doll, how she's eight, and she has her favorite episode. It's the hamster kiddies one. I even had to get her these little hamster kiddies. So yeah, we see that lot here.
Oh my god yes I love little hamster kitties I just saw those at target I think it was and I really regret not getting them I should've got them they're so cute
Also I just watched episode with him of Kiki's cousins and I don't know if they have like a Kiki's cousins like toy like in the little muffin tray but that would be really cute if they don't have that because I left all they had like the hamster kitties and like a little egg carton looking thing that they like came in on the show so I wonder if they have Kiki's cousins like in a little muffin tray because I'll be really cute and I deafly need that too
I've actually like only like heard of this. I've never watched it. Um, obviously I have a son so I don't really, um, like look at that kind of stuff I guess. Um, maybe I'll have to check it out. but it's crazy that they already have that many seasons if it's newer than you obviously know that they are getting a lot of viewers for it.
Yeah I just looked it up and it looks like it started in 2021 so it is definitely pretty crazy because that seven seasons in like two years and the seasons are shorter like it's like you know less than 10 episodes so that could be why but still like pulling off all the animation and all of that like you know that was a lot of work to do in like two years basically but yeah my son loves it he loves a lot of shows I sister likes like I said especially if he likes cats musical stuff color.