All right so for my question of the day let's go deep this time where do you see yourself in five years do you have like a five year plan or like goals what are you trying to accomplish in the next five years let me know
I don't have a pearl oh I definitely want to be working a little bit more I mean I don't want any more kids after the one I have this summer that's my plan Then we want a bigger space for our family so flu we have that
See I do not have a plan but I would definitely want to be working in the retail industry still just I'm not as a manager but like I am a part-time person or full-time Safari that or like just a job I don't know where I just stay for a while that's what my plan is
So I don't really have a plan right now or in big thought but I have a small business and I've been doing it for 3 1/2 years and I want us to see it get bigger but she does get bigger every year so I don't wanna jinx myself there but I just started with the school board so I'm hoping to get full-time there so I guess my goal is to get full-time with the school board somewhere somehow hopefully in the school that my daughter
That my youngest daughter attends because my oldest daughter I am usually subbing at is going to the middle high school so I don't wanna be at the elementary school so I want to be a JV which is a preschool through third grade she's made preschool through second grade and I am that's where I want to be so hopefully I get full-time over there someone supposed to be retiring so I'm hoping I could just jump on in on their place and yeah that's my goal
Honestly this is so hard as a stay at home mom to think of where I will see myself in five years honestly I see myself still being home maybe with a part-time job and probably homeschooling and having another kid by then