like I keep talking about beauty for you guys not saying that I'm gonna cheat because hell no I will never my girl is way too bad for me to cheat if I were to cheat I am downgrading literally 10 matches and that I know if I leveled up this fucking far I am not going down but damn talking about this gives me because it's disgusting.
Okay, it's completely a thousand trillion percent like relate. I feel like cheating even though like I don't know if y'all ever be thinking like damn I I should have cheated with my past, but I never cheat. Like I'm not.
Like, even with the dudes that did me so dirty, I swear I'm like, damn, why did I cheat? But it's just not in me to cheat. It gives me, like you said, anxiety. I cannot do it. I feel guilty. much so.
And then yeah shit there's like I'm standing on the fact that I have the finest husband out there, right? But like also no one else is gonna cater to my needs or nurture me like how he does like nah, that's out. That's out
Right, a lot of people don't realize what they have. Like your partner is probably going to cater to this shit out of you or shit at least mine and at least yours girl so we are happy in our boat!
I mean, sounds like you have to convince yourself why you're not gonna cheat, but anyway, cheaters are just insecure, weak people. And if you need to cheat, it means you're unhappy with yourself, ultimately. And you don't think you deserve what you have.
So actually whatever you intook from that definitely was not me having to convince myself to not cheat. I was more so referring to the topics, well some topics, some sound bits that I have made about cheating and...
And the fact that a lot of people really enjoy talking about cheating. I am definitely not one of those people. But it was a conversation starter and obviously people on the stereo really enjoyed it and talking about it gave me anxiety.
Okay, I'm definitely not thinking about cheating. I hear what you're saying 100%. My sound bit was about other people talking a lot on stereo about cheating and how it gives me anxiety to even mention the topic.