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OK so I am a Gemini now as I was younger I really didn't know my zodiac sign I didn't know much about astrology do you know how it worked you know didn't know the process of it or anything like that didn't know it had anything to do with the planets or the universe or things like that I don't know nothing right so my question for you is what is your perfect zodiac match do you believe in astrology Him and yeah
That's a difficult question to answer because for me, I would need to see their whole chart to decide. I need to see the whole thing because without the whole thing I don't know enough.
I don't know about a lot of the signs but I'm a Virgo and I know cancers are really emotional and I'm like a sensitive person so maybe someone who has good emotional intelligence I have no idea
I love Virgos and I definitely agree I'm a Gemini but you know I definitely ground what you just said cancers are definitely emotional and I love emotional intelligence as well so yeah