Good evening everyone Ash why is checking in I did a live today on TikTok with my chickens so I encourage you to go check that out and tell me what you think so tonight we're gonna talk about briefly either technology and your noggin otherwise known as your marina so our we know it's there some of us can name a different that hemispheres different parts of the brain you know all that kind of good stuff but we really don't know how it works in fact we're still trying to figure out like where consciousness lies within the body which is everywhere and nowhere else same time right so Depending on which study you read your mind has 60 to 70,000 thought today and we most of us know our subconscious is more powerful than our conscious mind and that's where all of our belief structures and all that those things are sort right and there's one rule with the subconscious and that is that it absolutely must answer every question that we ask ourselves and this is where false memories come from as well because even if it has to make it up it will now create the answer and the human memory is very very fallible actually like you think you remember things crystal clearly you do not because of your perception lenses and all that other kind of good stuff but those 60 to 70,000 thought today about 80% of them 70 to 80-ish our repeat thoughts So we can see where habitual patterns come from right and knowing that every question has been answered then we will also look and we can come to find that there's one question that we ask ourselves over and over and over again that is driving our life and it is what is some version of what is wrong with me or why can't I and you have to pay attention to the way that you phrases questions because you're going to get quite the answer to the questions that you ask so rather than what's wrong with me what's right