I know I'm pushing back to back by this is the only other thing I'm gonna say on this number you little bit and then post you know about actual good stuff but there was an article that came out I can't find it now where Brian Pennington the guy that murdered my first husband His parole officer probation officer was and he has until he sitting in the chicken coop was quoted in there saying that he shouldn't even been here and I did some digging and I found out that they were like 16 warrants out for the skies arrest and they knew where he was three of them or extradition warrens that would've taken him back to the state of Montana from once he came and he would've been there you know and on people do their jobs I'm heads role do you know I see the state of Washington and ninth laws were changed because of that and they thought talked about you know gun control and all that kind of stuff back then and then I was like he stole the gun like it wasn't even his gun so it's like It's not gonna help and on I remember like they didn't wanna go to court about it and I remember going to the settlement here you know hearing thing and the attorney for the state of Washington looked at me and said Miss Hollis You're young you're blonde you're gorgeous some man is gonna fall in love with you and take care of you what do you need our money for the first offer oh by the way was $100,000 which was a fraction of what I got an in the life insurance settlement and it's like I have a little bit of a chip on my shoulder because you can't be pretty and smart at the same time you know you're supposed to be a good girl you're not supposed to be so like all these things like as a woman that we face and one of my biggest things that as a rape victim as well this is like women should be allowed to carry guns everywhere they're at because We need to be able to protect ourselves to