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Eshika Singh 372d
Eshika Singh
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Joe Testouri
Breze Kimble-Moore
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Joe Testouri
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Some think I read today was that the creator of AI says he regrets creating wow when I listen to the full people with a lot more power and influence and information well that really is that it was cross fish intelligent of said that what does that really mean for what they have used cases such as if Eyob is in the wrong hands safe and since the Russian of me as there is an out there example if they have the power and they have intentions with a nuclear arms what would they be like if they were using AI incorrectly or in warfare And how much damage could I bring to the clue was something I win for this crazy what peoples thoughts on that
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You know I definitely agree that this was a mistake and I don't think that AI is a mistake I think the amount of power we ever gave it is a mistake if it was just a computing like website for very superficial things that were than fine but it's been getting way too personal with a Snapchat in different apps and websites that basically do the work for you and obviously like that can lead to catastrophic things
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Yeah I'll be another day AI is a man-made device and the people who first created it and involved it had such intentions know the saying there is possibility that they thought it went too well it's all it's gonna increase his Frankenstein
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I feel like AI is a big mistake. It's really creepy. We already have freaking scams like crazy and I Just oh it's just it's annoying. I feel like a lot of technology though is is not really good for like, I don't know, It's just, it's fucking up everything, to be honest.
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I agree well I think there is huge benefits to AI and I've felt them first and already I think the overarching point is it means that a lot of inherent challenges and problems with it and if there's a way to regulate it past Susan will be something there that is kind of worms now it's out there is no way really fast here
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You better get that shit the fuck out you better destroy that shit you better burn that shit you better fucking get rid of that shit I'll have a Nager gonna fuck us up all my God we're gonna be attacked by robots oh hell now
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It's definitely a mistake but I know everybody on this planet doing did I will do anything for their self so that's not surprise why the creator created this mistake and now said that Where is too late so let us pray and let us eat
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