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Erald 373d
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Joe Testouri
Not Glenn
Not Glenn 373d
Not Glenn
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Joe Testouri
So there's a sports retailer in the UK called Sports Direct and they've been using facial recognition in order to reduce crime. However, lots of MPs have pushed back against this and said that this is a bit too far and somewhat an evasion of privacy and just overstepping the mark is the company wrong because it's reducing theft or are they doing something that's overstepping the mark? What are your thoughts personally for me? I think they're going a bit too far and that kind of coincides with the owner Mike Ashley always putting prophets first.
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I think of regulated facial recognition for this type of purpose is it's a slippery slope I don't wanna argue for it although I get why they might increment that if you know some businesses like supermarkets and retailers actually bake in theft as part of their forecasting financial projections I am so I get where they put their money into because they're losing tens are in the Earth earth than Natalie this is what they wanna do
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Agreed and you can also point the case even further to say that with that additional safety the consumers who do want to spend money will go to spend more money because they feel safer and they think that it's a better, more holistic controlled environment.
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Yeah I agree like I feel the same way about as long as it was like I bet it makes sense but yeah you know who the fuck is going to hurt late is this is why I was like is though because the email me like you get a stoplight certain certain predators weather will be like rape is pedophiles things like that unless I know I mean like even that's weird because you got people are lying and accuse people of things but this is this is why I will let information Flores
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It's going out with his balls have with someone's face on the wall that I don't say this person is that whatever they've got a drunken had to fight in the bar before things like that and yeah if it's connected to police database and a verified dangerous people then obviously yeah you wanna wanna stop them from from coming in but it's been apart from a purely corporate money perspective they try to stop thieves then I know Where is that really like her weight
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Honestly I think of the states is something going on the same thing I can't prove it is only conspiracy right now like a berry but it's one of the things I say this is where we going is it gonna hurt way more people I was gonna make butter does not make the margarine between certain classes because you guys will be doing I was not so much races muscle class so much did I get a big and is going to target certain groups I have a lot of people gonna go
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Interesting Taylor and looks like it's racism but it's often said that racism is in amongst the rich is monks people fighting with each other in the lower classes so you can deafly be a case of a class of Presti from the ultra high-class and the middle and more sober
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