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Erald โ€ข 369d
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Joe Testouri
Not Glenn โ€ข 368d
Not Glenn
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Service soundbite is more focused on sustainability and aviation sustainability so previously I was reading about a goal that I Arthur set out for airlines and leases to achieve in zero carbon footprint by 2050 now they feel that this morning can push back a little bit more but some really interesting developments for instance is Etihad and Microsoft has come together and they're looking to build AI which pieces together in allowed It's hard to become more carbon neutral and essentially achieve this goal with artificial intelligence so essentially seeing the roadside impact of their flights and thinking of how and what they can do within their flights and channels in order to reduce this wasn't really interested that came across and I when I was at college studies a little bit travel and tourism so something spot Mccroskey that's watch out today
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I mean if they can achieve zero carbon footprint for flights and I don't know that entail in terms of pricing why is the flight to the road again quite expensive naturally then you know not only does aviation industry become something that you know everyone can access Gilfry fuel but I also think that airlines make up 7% of global emissions so the problem isn't as pronounce people might think but the move to go colonies Ronald Francis
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Thanks for sharing your insight on there man, I appreciate it.
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Oh this is very interesting topic why don't you make it a talk instead of a soundbite
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Yeah I appreciate that there may be something we can do further down the line as we start building up the audience would you be interested in joining
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I don't understand it but another carbon footprint is going to be less so that sounds good to me but if you got a more like a simpler way to explain it because my my brain can't fathom what you did talk about being a layman's are the most likely simplify whatever you're saying I appreciate it
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