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John Stulpin 373d
John Stulpin
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The Principal aka QDeezy
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Melina 372d
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Have any of you ever ran into your exes in the streets? Personally for me, I've been pretty lucky to avoid that or if I did see them, they didn't see me. But definitely ran into people I've gone on a few dates with and thank god it wasn't as awkward. What about you guys? what happened with you and your run-ins with your exos.
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Yeah I always deny see them once in a while specially when I was out in LA and people go to the same beach is the same clubs everything yeah you just say hi go on your way it's only weird if you make it weird
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I agree with you. It's only weird if you make it weird, so that's a very good point.
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Ha ha I see oh man so many times I was just out and about walking down the street I want to know if ice is ever used to go to one time and I see her she sees me she doesn't speak I am I are you don't know who I am no more that's cool I just kept it moving but I was very very random I was thinking about her and Jane Allison. So
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I'm very civil with all of my exes so if I were to run into one I would just kind of give a wave across the room and say you know hi and just if anything spark up a quick chat it really does depend on the context of the situation but I do understand some people who rather just run away or you know not want to face the music with an ex especially if they were ghosted or they got got cheated on. You know what I mean? It really does depend on the situation.
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