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Teeyana Aromi 388d
Teeyana Aromi
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Teeyana Aromi
Katherine Montes
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Tia k 384d
Tia k
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I think that most of us can agree that some of the most cringe worthy dates or awkward dates are the ones where you get catfish completely misled. For me, this one time I went out with a 53 year old and he did not look like his pictures. It was awful. What about one of your stories? was one of the first awkward dates you've gone on.
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Irene go I'm sorry you had to go through that I think one awkward date for me was when I parked my car behind like this van and I went back on this day the date was horrendous in the afternoon when I was when he was walking me to the to my car he jumped in the van in front of me and I was like oh that that is what you drive and I'm not a shallow person like I'm not I'm not that person
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Okay so maybe I am that person but I just just like hmm I don't think my man can be someone what driving a van you know um and that is literally um the most awkward thing ever and he even I think will go somewhere often he asked me oh do you want to ride in the van and then we can can come back to your car and I was like, um, no.
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Oh, I'm so sorry you have this bad experience.
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Probably at the movies and he didn't know if he wanted to pay like I had to ask him and he was like oh my guess I'll pay and then it was really awkward because we didn't know what to do after the movie so we kind of walked around the mall it was just super boring and then he gave me like probably the worst kiss I've ever had and I was like okay bye
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