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Lizzy 373d
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Mitzi Mendoza 373d
Mitzi Mendoza
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Teressa Reese 371d
Teressa Reese
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John Stulpin 373d
John Stulpin
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Irene 371d
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Emily Ankrom 369d
Emily Ankrom
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Ash Wise 369d
Ash Wise
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Christen 366d
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Storming the Weather
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Yanda Maxipad 365d
Yanda Maxipad
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What are your thoughts on taking your spouse's last names in marriage? This goes for both heterosexual relationships, women with women, or men with men. Well, let's hear your thoughts on if you would practice this tradition.
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I would definitely get my husband's name when we get married.
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So I'm married and I don't have my husbands last name not so much for any other reason than me being lazy to like change all my legal documents but I mean maybe at some point I'll do it it's nothing big that's on my mind though
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For me it's a form of respect it's I had the reason why I did it my sister is well what am I sister she hyphenated and I get it like we're from an island so our like our family line means everything to us but for me I'm just like that either way like it's half and half an hour like those are my kids that are his kids but I'm gonna respect him by taking his last name because he has pride in it
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If you have to think about whether you're going to take a man's surname or not, maybe you should think about what kind of commitments you're willing to make long term. I just think if you can't agree on taking the last name, you're probably not meant to agree on a long-term relationship.
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I don't think it has anything to do with commitment, right? Like you grew up as this person, you know, Jane Doe, your entire life, your entire brand is built upon it. It was a very archaic tradition and you have to change everything, like go through Social Security and your credit cards and all your documentation and work. So logistically it's just an issue versus a commitment.
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So what would be the form of respect for him towards you? So many doctors don't even change their last names.
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I love this question so my wife and I when we got married didn't know like which last name to take I always knew that when I got married I wanted them to take my last name but other things so we ended up hyphenating her last name I currently still just have my last name but we hyphenated her last name and my last name for her
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I think that it's personal preference I am not getting legally married and I'm not changing my name but we are married for all intensive purposes but a car live gather bank accounts together open business together bubble blah so I think it's just really a personal thing Yeah
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So I was always excited about taking my I've always been excited about taking my boyfriends last name I feel like my last name doesn't fit my first name and also some of the people in my family have not upheld the family name and I'm really about that and I'm really excited to join my boyfriends family and like be a part of their family just because I love them all so much and I would be happy to have his last name
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I don't understand why you had to distinguish between relationship types I think that in any marriage it is an honor to carry on the name of somebody that you are committed yourself to and if it's done both ways with like a hyphenated name that's even cooler I personally want to let go of my family of origin name and take on the name of whatever partner that I got into a dynamic with because
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Wait, your point about the women and men thing got me thinking which if a gay couple get married do they who gets the last name? Wait a minute.
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