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Isa Manson 389d
Isa Manson
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Johaan Williams
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Sandra Wolk 389d
Sandra Wolk
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What are your thoughts on shrooms literally everybody is talking about them people are converting to them rather than using recreational items and alcohol even there was an article about people in California kind of leaving alcohol alone and converting to shrooms because the course is more healthier and it's helping them relax more what are your thoughts will you be open to Trying them do you think this is a healthy alternative
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I have done shrooms a few times I've never microdose that might be more interested now in Microdosing them because every time that I have taken them I felt quite ill and yeah like it's so important to be in a safe space around people that you're comfortable with if you're ever wanting to do that kind of thing I don't think it's something that a person should do it like a party or something like that Yeah that's just my thought
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She was kind of late and I'm gonna hold you like if I hear like if you fuck on the shrooms girl
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So I've have done them about two or three times just like for fun. I've always been curious about microdosing. I'm just like not too knowledge enough to do so. But yeah.
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