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As a health coach one of the things I find myself encouraging and reminding a lot of women in my clients is that when you are enjoying a meal that is more indulgent try not to label it or look at it as a cheat meal because just a negative connotation of it will sometimes even harbours subconscious negative emotions or feelings of guilt and shame where is when you're able to enjoy healthy foods for the most part all the time and then have a treat once in a while you eat that treat you eat that indulgent meal with joy and freedom and you're not thinking oh I have to do something to make up for this or I have to you know work extra extra hard tomorrow you're just able to enjoy it because you're enjoying it and I think that's a lot healthier than having a mindset of fear or shame around having A meal that might be a little bit more indulgent or isn't on the super healthy side but it is healthy to be able to enjoy all kinds of food in moderation
I totally agree with what you say we don't have to like torture ourselves or put myself into pressure because I'm eating some thing that it's not so healthy I mean if I eat it once it's fine