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Jena Schuerman
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Jena Schuerman
Anagha Ahire 395d
Anagha Ahire
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Zylus k 395d
Zylus k
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Dardan 394d
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Yo, good morning guys, so is it bad to eat before bed? I was having a big debate with my cousin the other week about this And I guess it just depends what you eat, right? I mean if you're eating junk and that sort of stuff Then you hit the hay Of course, it's bad for you, you know, you're expecting weight gain. However, it's like last night I was at the gym, got home, had some chicken, literally just chicken and a few potatoes. You know, I'd rather have that than a protein shake, you know. I mean, I do drink protein shakes most of the time but I thought, I'll turn it to you, how much do I eat this? So yeah, leave me know what you guys think.
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So I agree with you I do think obviously it's bad to eat before bed if you're eating junk or highly processed foods but if you're gonna have like I guess veggies or a salad or fruit then I guess it's OK for me I have learned that snacking before bed or eating anytime after seven just isn't good for me and I noticed the most weight loss when I don't eat past 7 o'clock at night if that makes sense
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And let me just say like what I would eat before bed isn't processed crap like it's not a lot of bad junk food it would just be you know like one cookie for example or a banana and strawberries or some thing like that those are just examples of what I would eat at night
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So the thing with this is the reason people say not to eat before bed is because you want to food should I just have enough time to digest it feel like it's fine if you eat at night as long as you're waiting at least like an hour or an hour or two hours before you get into bed like I do think that if you eat food and try to go to sleep in line bed like five minutes after that might not be good for digestion but otherwise I feel like it's fine
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Oh that's bad to eat before bed but I come tomorrow at my parents I haven't really done research myself but I'm pretty sure it's bad to eat before bed
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No, no. Because you can get the munchies at night. In fact, you get the munchies anywhere out there that you can get the munchies in the morning. You could get the munchies then afternoon, dinner, like late at night. You can just get the munchies and you just got to eat something or you just can't go back to sleep. What was that?
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I mean there's research showing that it isn't like harmful to eat before bed. Yeah I mean if you eat junk food at any time of the day, regardless if it's before bed or during the day, you're gonna gain weight from it. But I think if you eat what you normally and you eat before bed, I don't think it has an impact.
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