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Cala 443d
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Renee Shelkey 443d
Renee Shelkey
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Josiah Stoney 443d
Josiah Stoney
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Edward Burke 443d
Edward Burke
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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George Ashton 443d
George Ashton
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Alright, so I've been trying to have a high protein diet. You know, to stop me from being hungry all the time, because that's what I've read. And yeah, if you're working out, it's also good to have a good protein intake. So I just wanted to know what is the best source of protein? Whether it's chicken, red meat, whether you think it's beans or something along those lines, those lines I'm sort of fruit vegetable, not fruit more vegetables so yeah
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Eat meat is the best source of protein
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Probably the best source of protein is meat, but obviously it's kind of hard to eat that all the time. One good one is nuts. Nuts usually have a lot of protein in them. Beans are another good one.
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Oh, that's simple.
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It would have to be fish would it fish are legumes I try to stay away from most animal proteins go through the plant proteins and stick with fish higher and proteins especially salmon crazy with proteins
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Chicken and eggs man, chicken and eggs, that's the best source of protein and beef as well. Those three meat sources but obviously white meat is better than red meat so I'd have to 2022 at die件.
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Yeah I'd probably just say like, yeah like meat I would say, so chicken obviously but also I heard, you know Tik Tok and that, that if you get high fat like let's say mince so obviously from chicken or whatever like even 20% then that's good for you, kind of really good for protein as well.
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