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Val 715d
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Abigail Cruz 715d
Abigail Cruz
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Abigail Cruz
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Larissa Alana
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I have no dad 706d
I have no dad
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Daniel Jordan
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Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
Daniel Jordan
For those of you who struggle with anxiety, do you have a hard time telling other people, or like even mental health issues in general? Like, I feel like everyone, not everyone, but a lot of people walk around with anxiety or depression or, you know, some type of mental health thing and nobody ever talks about it and it's easy to get trapped in this cycle of feeling like we're alone, which makes us not want to talk about it even more because we think that no one's going to be able to understand us. And I know when I first started my healing journey, like, I didn't say anything about what I was dealing with and then when I started opening up about it, it got so much better and I realized that there was like a whole community and that like, I'd say most people have stuff that they're dealing with as well. So I just want to know like is it hard for you guys to talk about Mental illness or anxiety or depression? and is that something you usually keep to yourself or do you find it helpful to speak up about it?
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OK I hate that I only have 15 seconds to reply to this but I definitely get where you're coming from and what you're trying to say and I do think people kind of just brush it off because it is really hard to talk about it for a lot of people so yeah
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Like for me I don't so I find it hard talking about like mental illnesses in general but I don't have a hard time talking about how I feel about things like expressing myself and communicating I don't have a hard time with that
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Definitely ideal and the worst feeling is when you don't feel understood by the other person even when you tell them the whole story
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I am I think it's difficult because people is not used to be vulnerable about your own situation and feelings it's basically that
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Yeah I feel like this about it when I talk to my mom and she's in her late 70s I feel like she's not supportive and I feel like there are people from their time they think you just suck it up and get over it but it doesn't you know that's not how it work
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I've found it very helpful to talk about it and speak to those around me concerning it in regards to work and stuff like that. because
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Because they can see that perspective if they're not experiencing themselves and they could be aware and more empathetic regarding what it is that I'm going through or you're going through.
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And like you say, it's in a sense great because you can see that other people are relating to it. And it's like in the past it was taboo to talk about that like oh you just get on with life
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But society nowadays is more open, so to speak. And I love that because we can help each other.
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and support each other.
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I I don't have a hard time talking about anxiety but I feel like people don't really understand anxiety and it's like they just don't get it if you've never had anxiety you don't get it
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Yes, definitely.
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I usually don't talk about it a whole lot unless it comes up for a reason. A panic attack or something like that. Then I talk about it, but yeah, I don't talk about it very often
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Yes, I always bottle my feelings. I find it easier to talk to my friends about it than my parents, but even in the end it It feels good for a few days, but then you just go back.
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Yeah, I struggle with it a lot and like I I like refused to tell people because I just believe I can do everything on my own when that is not the truth and it's probably the reason why I have mental breakdowns every other day.
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Sometimes because you know it might be oh
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See this is like the worst thing to talk about 15 seconds so I'm a reply to myself and send a lot of these but honestly sometimes it is sometimes it isn't I'm a really open person so I share this stuff a lot but as soon as I see you like a little thing that seems like they're off
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That you know seems like they're off about like anxiety whatever they don't believe in it or some like that and only go off the subject because if somebody doesn't understand it believe it whatever it always turns into a bad thing and I always think you're making excuses about it and survive
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Doesn't people understand it's so bad like my family didn't understand it for the longest time not just anxiety no depression all that stuff that I have not diagnosed with and crap and I feel like I'm treated like I'm crazy 90% of the time like full line
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Like I don't know what the show is called can tell me all my know what I'm referencing but it's like a show that's basically talking about hell like some parents I don't understand their children's struggle with
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With like mental health and stuff and it's just so hard to get through them sometimes and some of the special inspector and you know they didn't really like it or opened up to it the fact that mental health thing so it's just really hard for them to
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And this leads them to thinking that you're like super disobedient and they fall into their old ways of you know yelling at their child if they do something wrong or anything like that it just always turns out worse and worse and I've gotten so many organs of them because of it and luckily
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I've gone through my parents some so they sort understand now they're more comfortable with me they like treating me as an equal not like I'm below them and it is really nice whenever and they finally did start I wanna say understand but you know start
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And you know start like seeing my opinion and since especially since I'm more mature and older now say my opinion is valid and it's just it's it's nice when somebody actually does understand you but I will meet I've definitely brought some anxiety that's all
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Although I will say another problem I have with it is my anxiety also causing me to have anxiety that people think I'm crazy especially when it's people I don't know that well that like like some thing a therapist thinks that like I'm insane wouldn't
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Especially since recently she's like well I had a diagnosed she would like bipolar and some other stuff I don't like for an eye don't believe I show any like signs of being on about bipolar so I understand bipolar isn't like insane or crazy it's just like I don't believe
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The signs of like more intense stuff, I think a lot of my anxiety and everything comes from my living situation and same with depression. And it's not like a horrible living situation, it's just the people around me I've grown up with having the anxiety around all the time because I didn't.
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